Windward Community College's new building will place Library, Media, Tutoring, Testing, and Computing services under one roof, and include a classroom, Hawaiian Collection room, and Information Commons.

May 1, 2008

From the Library User Survey

Over 50 people gave suggestions for the new building when filling out our Library User Survey. Here's a sample:

  • More colors.
  • Coffee shop, and a relaxing area much like the lounge, so that if we are on this side of campus we can study in comfort. Very comfy chairs too. Maybe a small book store like the public libraries have, that way we can get books cheap for entertainment, also have the old books (text) in case someone wants them there.
  • ADA Access to all materials. Viewing Room. Testing Room. Check out area for computer and multimedia equipment. Xerox machines in multiple areas. Couches and comfortable chairs in magazine/newspaper area. Event kiosk.
  • Keep it open and brightly lit. Lots of open spaces for reading and reflection. Likewise, places to congregate for group work or discussion. Display art.
  • Lap tops, a cafe, comfy couches, and fast working computers.
  • A gender-neutral restroom.
  • Areas where students can study together but don’t necessarily have to be super quiet.
  • Many tables and chairs so students can do research or homework at the library.
  • Very cushiony (word?), comfortable, user-friendly chairs/mini-couches, with small tables, all scattered around various areas. This may seem like a small detail, but it will make all the difference in the world. People will only use the space for academic (and social) purposes if they are physically comfortable sitting there for long periods of time.
  • Magazine area with couches, attached cafe, wifi access, small group study rooms, AV rooms, large windows.
  • An information/reception desk covering all resources.
  • Create areas that encourage greater usage of library materials. For example, magazines shelved near the coffee shop.
  • A lounge area for using laptops and socializing & a coffee bar.
  • Quiet study areas for lone students.Small areas for group brainstorming/studying. More desks and couches to sit and read. Microfilm of old local newspaper articles. More information about Hawaii.
  • Lots of natural light. Helps keep you awake, makes studying easier.
  • A coffee shop like Borders where students can get something to drink in an enclosed area away from the books but inside the library. Food items that don't cost a lot but where the library can also get a percentage of what it brings in.
  • I would say more computers and more lounge areas to relax and read, as well as study areas. We need more room.
  • Wireless Internet for personal laptops; small rooms for group study that won't disturb others; computer stations with table space for notes/papers.
  • More computers and printers.
  • A cafe, a quiet area, a lounge area & a bigger magazine & DVD collection.
  • Please have a room for low AC. I think it's difficult to study if it's too cold for some students.
  • Partitioned soundproof conference/study/meeting rooms.
  • Add more space so things don't look cluttered. More independent cubicles. Laptops with internet connection available throughout the building.
  • An alcove for students to study, similar to KCC's library. They can have desks with electric plugs for students with laptops etc. They can also have wireless internet.
  • More seating for students and a couple lounge type areas for reading.
  • Separate sections where students can rehearse their speeches and PowerPoint slides for different classes. Kind of like a mini-lab.
  • An atrium in the center, similar to Akoakoa. A simple waterfall/fountain with benches/couches around it to sit and relax/read/study. Indoor plants/small trees here and there. Recycling containers for cans/bottles, paper? Whole campus needs that.
  • Media center like the audio Wong center in Sinclair library.
  • Make the library the central area/forum of activity on campus. Build it and they will come. Also conference rooms for students and the public to sign out to use.
  • If you include the student lounge it would be nice, and leave the SAC for people who want to make noise and have fun.
  • Networking, wireless service throughout the entire library, wireless print services, board rooms for study groups, a lot of board rooms as not all study groups are studying the same subjects, A/V and presentation equipment available to students (white boards, easel boards, projectors and screens, etc.) to prepare for power point presentations in the class rooms, more computers (laptops or notebooks with wireless connectivity), hardline network hubs for students with older laptops without wireless, UH bookstore in the library as the current bookstore has very limited hours, a refreshment center or at least more vending machines that have more substantial foods other than candy and chips, a microwave for frozen or refrigerated vending machine snacks such as hotpockets or sandwiches, etc., recycling center for paper, plastic bottles and cans, the money collected from recycled cans and bottles could be used for student body activities.
  • A coffee distributor to offer low-cost coffee drinks to poor, broke students & staff to stimulate while we educate. A Hawaiian Wing for only Native Hawaiian research materials/papers/studies/archives/media/magazines, a place to come for Hawaiian things.
  • A designated area to strictly study (quiet & comfortable) where its NOT so cold.
  • A worm farm to link with the media center. Then we can all recycle all that stuff you shred with all the stuff we shred and all the food stuffs from the Cafeteria!
  • Computer for editing video etc. I can't afford to purchase the software that I have been learning this semester. it would be nice to use the computer on campus until I really get the hang of using the software.
  • Media stations for watching VHS and DVD videos, and a convenient copier station. Wireless Internet (goes without saying). Classrooms for tutoring and small group instruction which are relatively soundproof (reservations required unless not in use). Small theater for film viewing and instruction.
  • Cubicles. Sometimes when I’m studying by myself it's hard for me to be on the other side of the library when individuals are watching a video or using the headphones for their music. If there were a separate cubicle area just for reading where the tables are on the other side of the library, it would be perfect because of the lighting. Maybe more updated materials. I just think it’s fine as it is but just more study space and walking space between tables. Aloha.
  • Wheelchair accessible bathrooms with a large stall to be able to move my wheelchair/scooter around. Electric door openers to get into building and bathroom. Bathroom sinks that I can move my wheelchair under and wash my hands that are not too high for me to reach. The toilet should be 18' to 20' high. Not 17 or 17 1/2. Doors should be able to open out or both ways. Sinks must be accessible so even scooters can have access to sinks. What escape plan in case of fire etc. for disabled people using second floor facilities especially if TRIO and services for the disabled will be located on the second floor.


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