1. The flooring should be mildew resistant, be able to handle the heavy traffic, easily maintained, and quiet. Leeward CC recently did a reflooring project using recycled material (rubber?) in their Library that might be something to consider.
2. Focus on energy self sufficiency.
3. The Media Center might be positioned so that it has a separate entrance, to avoid congestion with the other library traffic.
4. Coffee Shop and or Cafe is a good idea.
5. The only suggestion that comes to mind right now is that will there be an exhibit area. I don't necessarily mean a gallery, but a place where photos, art, or other programs could be exhibited. I'm thinking of when we had the "Love Makes a Family" exhibit many years ago. Although the facilities were not ideal, at least the exhibit was in a place where it could be seen by many. Hopefully, the new library will be much better.
6. I would like one or two rooms, where students could scan material and listen to it; alternatively, human readers accompanying their students could read to them. The room(s) would have good soundproofing, but it would be larger than the typical booth, since sometimes more than one person would be using the space. The room would have a computer station and scanner and Kurzweil 1000 and Kurzweil 3000 software. When not in use by print-disabled students, the room could be a quiet study area or, alternatively, it could be a small sound studio for persons recording podcasts or other small media projects.
7. Aloha! One thing I've heard students asking for is more places where they can study in groups. (Or maybe that's what the "View and Listen" rooms on the first floor are for?)
8. Any plans to include the exterior amphitheater between the new Library/Learning Resource Center and Hokulani Imaginarium. It would provide an aesthetic and attractive setting for students to congregate informally, for outdoor events, such as poetry reading sessions and for night sky viewing of the stars.
9. It may be a mistake to put the courtyard on the mauka side of the bldg. This is the side that will get minimal sunlight during the winter, thus in shadow for that half of the year when the campus is in full session. Minimal sunlight means mold and damp - that will not make it an inviting location. Perhaps consider moving the wing now in a makai position (the wing in the foreground in the illustration on the webpage, oriented approx. NE-SW), inland to mauka, and place the courtyard on the makai side? That way it opens into the central great lawn and mall of the campus, embellishing that openness, rather than disrupting openness and continuity as the current placement of the wing does.
10. All outdoor lamp posts should be designed to shine light directly down towards the ground. Horizontally directed light is wasteful; vertically emitted light is not only energy inefficient, but also pollutes the nighttime sky, and, in particular, hinders astronomical seeing conditions for both naked-eye viewing and telescopic observations at WCC's nearby Lanihuli Observatory.
11. Do you still have plans for a place for "archiving" some of the history of the college?
12. Semi-private places for students to study in small groups (i.e. small group study rooms).
13. A room that holds around 40 for hosting community events or Upward Bound Saturday Academies (would be great to meet in the same building as the computer lab).
14. Definitely the coffee bar area w/ casual seating & wireless Internet to give students a place to hang out between classes. Stay open at least until 7:00 PM classes begin.
15. Executive-style conference room for staff meetings or student group meetings. Capacity around 12-15.
16. Outdoor shaded eating spaces such as picnic tables or patio tables.
17. Expanded tutorial services available for ALL students, not just TRIO qualified.
18. At least 4 small study rooms accommodating 6 students each. Secured rooms, available via reservation and issued key access.
19. Study Rooms: For group study or tutoring
20. Lecture Room: For guest speakers for the College
21. Movie Room: For WCC movie viewing both for education and leisure
22. Coffee Bar Lighting: Warm ambiance, similar to Starbuck's and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
23. Elevators: If its 2-story. For handicap and transport
24. Media equipment and software: Macs, Final Cut Pro, Adobe, HD cameras.
25. Sufficient shelf space for an expanded Hawaiian collection.
26. Display space: wall and cabinets for rotating exhibits, special/topical exhibits.
27. Testing room where questions can be read aloud or totally free of distractions.
We want more suggestions. Got an idea? Please leave a comment below, use the web form at http://library.wcc.hawaii.edu/NewBuilding/, or drop off written comments in the library.

1 comment:
Invite community, corporate, and school librarians from the Windward side to have input--several of them might have ideas based on years of thinking about this -- Fran Corcoran of Kahuku Community & School Library has lots of energy and ideas that she might be coaxed to share. I am sure this goes for others too who feel a sense of community with us.
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