Construction plans extend beyond the footprint of the building itself; If funding allows, the project will include two new parking lots and road widening.

The Aug 2008 Historic Preservation Report contains the following illustrations:
Aug 2008 Exterior Sketches
Construction plans for the LLC will require the demolition of Hale MÄnaleo, which, as a State-owned building over 50 years old, qualifies as a “historic building.” This College sought and received preliminary approval of the plan from the State Historic Preservation District (SHPD).
In keeping with the historic district's distinct character, the architects' plans for the new building will preserve both the open green space and views to the adjacent historic buildings, and include many of the architectural details, materials, textures, roof forms, and colors found in the remaining historic structures on campus.
The latest report to the SHPD includes exterior sketches of the new building, illustrating these features.
The College will also develop a display for the new building to depict the historic district.
In these ways, the facility will enhance the historic district, while retaining its own identity as a newly constructed, non-historic building.
Historic Preservation Report (Aug 08)
As part of the application to update the PRU permit, Wilson Okamoto Corporation prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) on behalf of the College.
The draft was mailed Aug. 26, 2008 to various City and State agencies and Legislative bodies, and included a request for comments by Sept. 19, 2008, which will be incorporated into the final EA.
Draft Environmental Assessment (EA)
Part of the process of constructing a new building involves getting appropriate permits and keeping them current.
The College recently filed to amend and update its Plan Review Use (PRU) Permit.The College's authorized agent, Wilson Okamoto Corporation, prepared and submitted the “Amendment Request to PRU Condition” to the City and County of Honolulu earlier this month.
The amendment needs approval from the Department of Planning and Permitting, the Zoning Committee, and the City Council before construction can begin. We expect the approval process to be complete by January 2009.
Plan Review Use (PRU) Permit Update